Jesus Felix

Part-Time Faculty - EMS 
Career Technical Education 


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My journey began when I first volunteered as a Firefighter for Burbank-Paradise Fire Protection District located in West Modesto in the year 2008. I gained knowledge as a first responder and wanted to pursue it as a career. I first attended Columbia College the fall of 2012 in EMS 4 (EMT class). I obtained my certificate and began working full time as an EMT for Riggs Ambulance in Merced. I was in my second year of employment  when I was approached by management with a scholarship to attend Paramedic school. I graduated  top of my class through the Paramedic program at NCTI in Livermore, CA. I continued to work full time with Riggs now as a Paramedic, and education at Columbia as well as other colleges to obtain an A.S. Degree in Fire Science. In June 2019 I  was promoted to Paramedic Supervisor. I am currently transitioning into teaching at Columbia College. Columbia College is where my First Responder  career started. With great honor I will now be able to give back to the school that gave me the foundation to succeed where I am today. I will be working on various projects with the EMS Coordinator to help the EMS department grow, and teach the future generation of first responders.

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